In February 2011, four good friends, Sue Evans LRPS, Peter Smith ARPS, Brian Carlick LRPS and Graham West, decided they needed to further their creative approach to photography. They did this by forming the “Suffolk Creative Photographic Group”.
The four founder members were based in Woodbridge, Aldeburgh and Ipswich.
The Group is forward thinking and creative in its approach to photography, and will not be constrained by conventional camera club rules. Mutual help and support to achieve individual and Group goals is a major factor, as is the sharing of knowledge and skills that each individual has.
All members of the Group are equally responsible for the running of the club and are pro active in producing monthly work for assessment, entering competitions and exhibitions. Bi monthly projects are set to encourage and aid members to produce Creative work. Everything that affects the group must have the approval of all the members.
The attainment of Photographic Distinctions and qualifications are encouraged
Group meetings are held once a month on the 2nd Friday with each member taking their turn in hosting an evening. Committee meetings are held on an as and when basis, again at members houses as required.
For further information please contact Peter Smith, 07833685914, or email Peter at